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Science and Engineering

Sunday, 13 March 2011

The highlight of my week comes at 3.15 on a Friday. I sit in the dining room at my daughter’s primary school, waiting for 20 excited 10 and 11 year olds to rush in and say ‘what are we doing today?’ I run the school STEM club (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths), and my aim is to make the topics fun and accessible. We’ve done towers from spaghetti and marshmallows, origami dodecahedrons, and experiments from ‘Bang Goes the Theory’.

I might not be a ‘typical’ mum, as an engineer and a maths teacher (and a TV presenter) but, as parents, we can all share that thrill of our child making a new discovery or creating something and saying ‘look what I did!’ Added to that thrill is the knowledge we are giving them a great preparation for their future, where confidence and ability in science and maths will open doors to an ever wider range of opportunities.

Many people, parents as well as children, feel they don’t know a scientist or an engineer. They just don’t come across them like they would, say, a teacher or a doctor. ‘Hidden scientists’ will be coming online mid March with volunteers ‘pinning’ information about themselves and their work on a map of the UK.

But what often matters most is simply what we say. You know those ‘why’ questions you get asked, and you are so tempted to just say ‘cos it does’ or even ‘magic!’. I’ve always tried to answer ‘that’s an interesting question – let’s see if we can find out.’

You know I said the highlight of the week was when they arrive at STEM club? Actually, I’m wrong, it’s at 4.30 when they all skip out to the collecting adults chattering about what they’ve been finding out and begging to try it at home.


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